Alright, so I haven't written a post in awhile. To be honest I haven't really felt the need to since no one reads this piece of shit anyway. I'm drinking beer however so here we go. When you have a blog here, you get a world map of countries that have looked at your blog and I noticed some dude from Costa Rica took a look at my page. Thanks for looking man, but I find it strange that you did because I didn't know your shit third world country had the internet. Anyway, I'm gonna write about a a very controversial subject that will piss many people off and to be quite honest I don't give a fuck because you are wrong and I am always right. I know I'm gonna get hate mail and every one is gonna stop reading my blog (all 118 of you, isn't that fucking pathetic?) but it needs to be said. The topic we are gonna cover today has to do with a band called Metallica and a fellow who used to be in this band. You wanna hint? Alright. His name starts with Dave and ends with Mustaine. For those in the know, Dave Mustaine was in Metallica before
Kill'em All came out. You would think this was common knowledge, but over and over again the human race has failed miserably with all things logical and important, so I have to throw it out there for the kid in the Slipknot shirt who is reading this. Pause this topic, I'm going into a rant (which I'm already doing, so it's a rant within a rant). I play The Misfits at the gas station I used to work at (once again fuck you) and
Last Caress comes on and a customer says, "That's a horrible Metallica cover". The Mrs. is at work and is playing
Planet Caravan from Black Sabbath and a customer comes up to her and says, "That is a horrible Pantera cover". She informs him that what he is hearing is a Black Sabbath song and he does not believe her... he was wearing a Slipknot shirt. I'm at work listening to Megadeth's
Mechanix and a customer says, "Why are they playing
The Four Horsemen that way"? I'm at work once again, listening to Slayer's
Hell Awaits and a customer says, "Wow they really ripped off Rage Against The Machine". What fucking planet are you mongoloids from? Is there no human goddamn decency anymore? I wish I could go back in a time machine and have a chat with Hitler. I would convince him that instead of exterminating the Jews, he should exterminate you fucktards. Btw, my Grandfather fought Nazis in WW2, so I can say that.
Blitzkrieg is a song from the band Blitzkrieg. Now you die! |
So back to Metallica and that angry fire crotch... Don't get me wrong, I love Megadeth. I would fist fight anyone that ever talked shit about them. My bald buddy Adrian actually got his nose broken with a construction level because he refused to take off his Killing is My Business....And Business is Good tshirt. That is fucking metal right there. However I don't think Mustaine belonged in Metallica and I don't think he was really that important in Metallica's rise to metal domination. Usually this is when everyone goes, "What the fuck Shredasaurus, he wrote Kill'em All"! No he did'int you fucking idiots, he co-wrote 4 songs out of 10. If you did the math, you would come to the conclusion that he was 1 song short of helping out on half the album. So now you hit me with your rebuttal, "Kirk Hammet played all his solos you dumbass"! Goddamn, where is the Fuhrer when you need him? If you ever saw old vids of Metallica with Mustaine in the band, you would realize his solo's sucked ass. He played guitar like Michael J. Fox would, yeah his hand was moving fast but it made no goddamn sense. Metallica usually plays in E, the 12th fret on your high E string is also an E. Just because Hammett started on that fret doesn't mean he is playing Mustaine's solos. This is kindergarten pentatonic guitar stuff, oh I forgot you like Slipknot and don't know what a pentatonic scale is. Mustaine was in the band for 10 months, not even a year and 30 years later he is still bitching about Metallica. I can't even get 10 people to go to my show, you are in fucking Megadeth. What is your problem?! You wrote Peace Sells, Rust in Peace and Countdown to name a few. You are a metal god! Stop bitching! On Metallica's Ride the Lightning, Mustaine has 2 song credits. For Ride and Ktulu.... that's it. The clean chord progression in Ktulu Mustaine wrote. So your progression is used for 45 seconds in that song. What about the other 8 fucking minutes that the rest of the song is?
That nose is because of you Mustaine.
Without Mustaine's help Metallica went on to record
Master of Puppets and
.....And Justice For All. Now you idiots go," Metallica wouldn't have sold out if Mustaine was in the band". Yeah Metallica recorded
Load and
Reload, but
Mustaine also went on to record
Cryptic Writings and eat a dick. The bottom line is that there would be no Megadeth if his ass wasn't kicked out. A world without Megadeth is like a world were you have to have herpes first in order to have sex. It would still be cool, but just wouldn't feel right. I'm tired, drunk and emotionally vulnerable so I'm gonna go to Jack in the Box and go to sleep. Adios.